Le Pélican is supported by the gifts of individuals who share the vision of changing the lives of destitute children and the deaf in Afghanistan. When someone makes a donation, they become a valuable partner in the work of Le Pélican. The money given is very carefully spent to ensure each dollar/euro/pound yields benefits. Le Pélican would be very grateful to have you become a partner through giving. You can make one-time or recurring gifts. No gift is too small and each gift is deeply appreciated. All gifts are tax deductible and a receipt will be sent when you donate. Thank you for considering this opportunity to partner with us.
Le Pélican, PO Box 480, Wheaton, IL 60187
Donate by sending gifts to: Interserve GBI, PO Box 17750, Birmingham, B9 9NU, England, United Kingdom. Please make your cheque out to Interserve and specifically note on the cheque that your gift is for ISA/Pelican.
For additional information about donating from the UK, please reach out to: info@interserve.org.uk
Par chèque à l’ordre de: LE PELICAN, Mme Ribolzi, 87 rue du Vignoble, 68230 Katzenthal, FRANCE
Par virement bancaire: RIB (National) 1027 8032 0200 0215 0954 583 CCM COLMAR ST-JOSEPH - 68000 COLMAR
IBAN (International):
FR 76 1027 8032 0200 0215 0954 583, Bank Identifier Code: CMCIFR2A